Contact Form to Any API

How to Configure Contact form to any API

  1. Click add new CF API and give the suitable API title
  2. Please select a form which you would like to connect with API
  3. Enter your CRM/API URL in API URL field


  4. Add header request like below
    Authorization: MY_API_KEY Authorization: Bearer xxxxxxx Authorization: Basic xxxxxx Content-Type: application/json
    Authorization having Username & Password with Base64 ? to convert online click here and put it on header
    Authorization: Basic ‘ . base64_encode( YOUR_USERNAME . ‘:’ . YOUR_PASSWORD ) Content-Type: application/json
    After convert put it on header like below
    Authorization: Basic c2FsdXRlLXZldGVyYW5zLWFwaSA6IDBjd1NURENTcE91MUNOQXFVRFFmajdN Content-Type: application/json
  5. Then you have to select your Input Type JSON OR GET/POST
  6. Select your API Method POST or GET
  7. Map your Fields with your API KEYS
  8. Save your API configuration